Thursday 14 January 2010

A dad for nearly five weeks

Well as of 22:10 on Friday night I will have been a new dad for all of five weeks. Five weeks since @babybunten aka Rowan was born. She has now been in our life for five weeks, nearly. How quickly she has transformed our world. I can't imagine what some things were like before Rowan came along, crazy as it sounds. Probably if your a parent yourself you'll understand.

My time is not my own any more, not that I'm bothered, I have a wee person that now depends on me and her mum for everything. It was daunting at first, scary in some respects. Now it's just fun and the best thing in the world even if we have a bad day. Other than moving in together and getting married, the decision to start a family is the greatest thing we have done. 

It has been eventful to say the least, to get where we are now; a failed labour induction, an emergency caesarian section, losing more weight than was acceptable for the paediatrician. Extra days in the hospital to ensure she was putting weight on, all before we could get Rowan home. 

All is now well or as well as it can be, as some days, bad days, the #evilcolic raises it's ugly head but even then you forget the bad nights when you get a gurgle or a smile (I know she's to young to smile and it's the hives but indulge me). Makes it all worthwhile.

Looking forward to the rest of the journey into fatherhood and everything it entails. How can I not? She gorgeous but then again, I'm biased. I'm her dad!

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

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