Thursday, 6 January 2011

End of the day?

Just Minnie, my beer and me. Must be time to finish up and get to bed.
It's not the weekend yet.

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous


That's the house now in lockdown. All cupboards and drawers that
@babybunten can get in have now been child proofed. We'll see how long
it lasts and how smart a cookie she actually is.

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Feeling small

Very bad of me, finally broke out my 1st ever tripod. It makes me feel
small. At is highest setting I can't see through the view finder. Are
platform shoes making a comeback in 2011?

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

Sunday, 2 January 2011


Child proof?

In the last couple of days @babybunten, Rowan has took another surge
in development. She's coming on leaps and bounds. To the extent we've
had to come up with some temporary child proofing, there's some stuff
you don't want her discovering like the bleach under the sink.

It such a great time filled with joy, wonderment and amazement.
Looking forward to the next thing she learns.

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous