Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Enjoying some Argentinian #beer

A Directline to my daughter's attention

Everytime time my 6 month old daughter hears the phone pips and
Stephen Fry's voice on the Directline adverts everything stops.
Feeding, playing with daddy or mummy. Everything. Stops. Crazy thing
is she doesn't do it with any other tv show or advert. Bizarre.

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

Monday, 28 June 2010

A rip in the fabric

Not what I want to see in the goretex membrane of my paclite jacket.
No idea where it came from or how I managed it. But it's not good.
Need to be doing a bit of repair work. Especially as it's the idea
jacket for the Scottish summer. Does as it says on the sleeve packs

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

Blood donation

Just back from giving a pint of my finest at the blood bus. It parks
up at my work every few months or so. If you can donate then please

Really annoyed that I left my phone charging at my desk so all your
getting is a picture of the aftermath. Next I'll try to remember and a
better shot.

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

Blood donation

Just back from giving a pint of my finest at the blood bus. It parks
up at my work every few months or so. If you can donate then please

Really annoyed that I left my phone charging at my desk so all your
getting is a picture of the aftermath. Next I'll try to remember and a
better shot.

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

Sunday, 27 June 2010

From crawling to swinging

Fed up from the frustration of trying to crawl, we're now having fun
on the swing.

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

I will learn to crawl

Well @babybunten gets closer to crawling everyday. She can rollover on
her belly at will just hasn't figured out that she needs to use her
arms and legs together, yet. Don't think it'll be long thought, the
arms and legs are going like the clappers.

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

Monday, 14 June 2010

Yum yum

Brightened up my lunch some what today. After my sandwiches, I had a
sugar donut in a bowl of custard. Not much of puddings guy. Ice cream
or an apple pie are usually as adventurous as I get. But I used to eat
this nearly everyday when I was back in school. Magic, it was back
then and it didn't disappoint today. Great end to my lunch.

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

Thursday, 10 June 2010

I am the way

I pass this everyday. Everday day for the past 6 years and I kept
meaning to take a photo and post it.

It was, and still is the standing joke when I give directions to
people who need to find my house. Follow Jesus and he'll show you the
way. Your on the right road then.

Don't really understand why the church uses that quote but it would be
hard to find it otherwise. It's just a hall. No steeple, no cross.

I'm a man of science so I don't get religion but it's still a great
marker, nearly home. And a bit of a conversation piece.

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Red Sky

Red sky at night...... don't know if the iPhone has done it justice

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

Five Ten

Found these in the cupboard, it's been a long, long time since they've
been out. Over 10 years since I've climbed or been bouldering
properly. Think I need to get out again or at least to a climbing
wall. Anyone up for that?

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

Cuba '07 Honeymoon

This was taken on arriving in our hotel room. It's the view from our balcony, we were on our honeymoon in Cuba. We'd been travelling for over 15 hours in a car, a bus, a plane and another bus. I we were a bit weary. However when we got to our room and pulled back the curtain to to balcony. I'd never seen anything like it before. A near deserted beach, white sand and beautiful blue ocean. I love this picture and every time I see it, it never fails to put a smile on my face. It was a great honeymoon, we had such a great time going round Cuba. The people and the places were amazing but seeing that view on our first day was just perfect. Happy days and there still continuing today. Great times.

Posted via email from Most Interesting

Friday, 4 June 2010

Oh rowan tree, oh rowan tree, thoul't aye be dear to me

You may are may not know that my wife and I had a daughter, we named
her Rowan. Rowan as in the tree or the berry not as in Atkinson, Mr
Bean or the Archbishop.

Well the other day we received a very kind and thoughtful gift, a
rowan tree sapling of about the same age as Rowan.

Just now it's in a pot and growing. It'll be fine in there for about
the next year or so but by then I'll have to find some where to plant
it out.

Here's hoping I don't kill it and get to see how it grows in
comparison to my daughter.

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Vegetable Update - another update

Think it's fair to say I'll be eating plenty of salads this weekend.
They're doing great and the fine weather is helping, happy days.

Posted via email from tookiebunten's posterous